Acquired Certificate of Registration for KHNP (Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co. Ltd)
Designated Promising Small and Medium Enterprise in Export
Moved factory to Gamjeon-dong
Selected Pre-Champ (star) Company
Acquired venture business certification
Certified API-6A (K.W.M)
Accredited INNO-BIZ company
Established R&D Center
Established Korean Wellhead, K.W.M (Group of PMS)
PMS Factory at Shinpyeong-dong, Busan, Korea
Awarded 20 Million-Dollar Export Tower from Government
Acquired ISO 9001
Established P.M.S. Company
Address | No. 711. 303, Daedong-ro, Sasang-gu, Busan, Korea |
Tel | +82-51-713-8300 |
Fax | +82-51-713-8397 | |